
Wednesday, November 04, 2009

...I feel like I have been here before... AND my 2nd baby dream

I miss GCast. Telling dreams is so much easier than typing dreams....In typing you have to be to precise. In telling you can say a lot of "Kinda like...." and "it wasn't, but it was" which are required to accurately describe the ridiculousness of dreams. When you type them it seems like that is EXACTLY what it was like. Also tone is important. I can speed through the unimportant details when I tell it and slow down at the good parts. When I type it, you probably think that I think that all parts are equally important.

Ok, so since I have been pregnant I have only had 2 pregnant dreams. For those of you who have been following my dream history you know that before I was pregnant I dreamed about babies and when I did I either forgot to feed them completely, couldn't feed them, forgot to feed them for a day and realized that I had to feed them multiple times a day, etc. and/or that the baby was already a child or able to talk as soon as it was born, that I never had the child to begin with and it was someone else's, or I was sure I was pregnant the whole dream until near the end when I found out I really wasn't. Never (that I can remember) did I have a dream about having a baby that was same and well cared for and mine.

I have had 2 baby dreams since I found out I was pregnant.

Dream 1
I apparently didn't write down the first one cause I can't find it anywhere. All I remember is that I was at the hospital and I forgot to feed the baby for just a few hours and I thought might have messed up my body and I wouldn't be able to feed it now... And I tried and one side didn't work and one side did.

Dream 2
The dream was long and in a lot of places but I don't remember any of it except the baby part (cause I DID write it down). The baby was born somewhere that was not in a hospital. I actually just remembered this part...we took it first to a hat shop which only had 2 baby hats. A bennie (sp?) and a little farmer hat (Chris doesn't like farmer hats). SO we spent most of the time putting adult hats on it that had funny slogans on them. Then we found a brown baby hunter hat (like those bright orange hunter hats with the ear flaps) and it was totally cute.

Then we got in the car and drove off and I was holding the baby. It was wearing a black leather jacket and I commented to Chris that it was awesome and Chris said "it was a present for if we had a boy" (so the baby in the dream was a girl) and I said I thought it was a wonderful girl jacket. I realized that we didn't name the baby yet since we didn't have her in the hospital so no one was there to ask us for a name and we were so happy to have the baby, we didn't care! SHe woudl mimic the sounds we made almost exactly so it sounded like she was talking even though she was only a day old.

So I had the baby laying on my lap looking at me in the car as we drove and she spit up..a lot... all over the jacket, of course, so I reached down to get a spit up rag and we didn't have one... in fact, we didn't have a diaper bag at all! And we were in Garden City, far away from home. Then I realized, "What am I doing?! I am holding the baby in the car!" and I turned around to put her in her car seat and there was no car seat! Chris asked "Why not?!" and I said "because the baby wasn't born in a hospital". So we decided that we would just go to walmart (we were driving down Kansas in GC already) and Chris sped up and I looked down and he was going 60 mph down Kansas while I HELD the baby! Eeek! So I said "slow down! Were going to get pulled over and in a lot of trouble for not having the baby in the care seat and not even OWNING a car seat. Then I thought about how the walmart people would report us because we were at walmart buying a car seat with the baby in our arms, and we drove there.

I woke up REALLY wanting to have the nursery done and wanting to have a diaper bag completely packed and ready to go! So, I suppose it was a sucussful birth, healthy baby dream for the first time!


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