
Sunday, October 19, 2008

So dreams

Yep, I miss Audio Blogger.

I had a dream last night that Miah from hockey and his wife were getting married and their last name was going to be a completely different name than their real last name...I was trying to figure out where it came from and I just couldn't figure it out.  They wrote the name up on a green chalk board.  Then they said in honor of their marriage we were all going to play laser tag, but instead of automatically keeping score, we would just use our fingers and we were all supposed to be honest and keep score of who we shot and how many people shot us, just in our heads.  So we ran around in this 3 story house that was supposed to be Miah's.  There were like 50 of us.  It was almost cool, but lame cause you couldn't ever tell if you were being shot or not, and I kept trying to look around so that I would make sure and count it if I was being shot, so it didn't look like I was cheating.  It started being more like and MMORPG, and so someone opened a door to a room and a guy pretending to be a dragon (he was on the chubby side) came out and everyone pretended to run screaming from him...them they started loosing interest but I decided to throw a pretend grenade at him, so I pulled the imaginary pin out with my teeth and threw it and I make an explosion sound and everyone looked at me like I was a complete dork and taking the whole thing way too seriously.  Then someone said that we needed to send out 50 troops (still as part of the game) and so we all ran as fast as we could into the garage which was the pretend loading a spaceship or a ship or something.... and the guy doing it was going to make it all dramatic by closing the garage door so that we would have to hurry out and duck down and the last few people would have to dive under the door, but the door closed so fast that only like 5 people got out and it was totally un dramatic, so he opened it again and let more out.  I was going to wait so that I could dive out at the last moment to make it more fun.

Then at the end of the dream as I went out the garage door I was in the neighborhood of my old friend Stephanie and it was all ghetto and I was walking with one of her old friends and neighbor (and my old elementary schoolmate, Rubin (whose brothers are named Obey and Jaime (phonetically=Himey))...and we discussed the disintegrating neighborhood....  Not a great ending, but a fun dream.


  • At Thursday, January 08, 2009 12:32:00 PM, Blogger The Gare Bear said…

    How about a quick dream interpretation by none other than your dear Daddyo:

    Your friends getting married and changing to a new last name -- could be your interpretation that they will become something new and different once they are married.

    Keeping score in the laser tag game and/or losing track of the score -- you feel that something is changing in your marriage and/or at work. You can't quite figure it out in real life, but at least your subconscious is picking up on something. Whatever it is in real life, you need affirmation of where you stand on some issue.

    The grenade -- a brilliant move -- that's just pure and simple thinking outside the box -- maybe a message to you on the uncertainty in life that you need to think outside the box.

    The deteriorating neighborhood -- Could be one of three things: a) you feel like you have lost something since Shannon & Nicole moved away and/or you aren't currently playing hockey -- now you are in unfamiliar and less happy "streets" of your brain, b) you are picking up on the deteriorating economy, crappy state (ghetto) of American politics, or c) you may have a lingering and/or impending illness which either needs to be recognized, diagnosed, etc. and that maybe for the first time in your life you are old enough to at least subconsciously pick up on the fact that you are aging.


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